How do I prove I am the Funniest in the Valley?
- TAKE A VIDEO telling your “joke”. Make sure it’s no longer than 3 minutes. It’s a family friendly fundraiser. Keep background to a minimum. Have fun!!
- UPLOAD your video and input your information here.
- The Funniest in the Valley Committee will review and select the funniest 10 video jokes. Selected participants will be notified by October 5, 2021.
- Literacy Connections will send you a media kit and instructions for social media posts to help you get as many votes as possible (logo, photos, verbiage).
- Participants videos will be posted on our website and social media October 18-22, 2021. Two videos a day will be posted (afternoon & evening).
- SHARE Laughs for Literacy posts on social media. Share, post and repeat!
- Every vote is worth $1 dollar! A $25 donation gets you 25 votes!
- Remind your social media friends and followers to VOTE FOR YOU!
- Remember it’s FUNDRAISER! Votes = donations = funds for adult basic literacy and children’s reading programs.
- The “JOKE” with the MOST VOTES will be crowned